Atomistic modelling through first principles methods and Model Hamiltonian Studies
We carry out electronic structure calculations in the many-body framework to (i) explore and investigate quantum phases of matter and (ii) to build structure-property relationship. Our research is aimed towards materials design for fundamental studies and applications. The figure below provides a bird’s eye view on our focused research areas.

Quantum many body theory
We aim to utilize various tools available in quantum many body theory to understand and predict various electronically ordered phases. The research problems would involve aspects of machine learning, and first principal calculations. Some planned activities include
AI guided design of topological insualtors and superconductors

Deep learning of theoretical and experimental band structures. A variational auto encoder will be developed to map experimental and theoretical band structures of a large class of correlated materials.
Research and Design of 3-D interface at metal/ceramic interfaces
Interface between metal and it’s nitride is assumed to atomically sharp as mixing of nitrogen is not expected to be thermodynamically favorable. Contrary to this belief, we establish that in Ti/TiN system, it is thermodynamically favorable for N in TiN to cross over by forming N vacancy, to form interstitial solid solution with Ti. Chemically diffused interfaces present many variants in the interface structure like continually varying elastic properties, crystal structure, etc. We aim to understand how effect of such variants on its properties.

Designing high cyclic stability Na ion cathode materials
Cyclic stability of cathode material depends on range of factors, like expansion and contraction on insertion of Na ions, size of active particles materials in cathode, diffusivity of ions in active materials, dispersion of active materials etc. By understanding effect of each factors and hence designing ideal microstrcuture we aim to increase cyclic stability of battery.

Refractory high entropy alloys
Refractory alloys based on Group IV, V, and VI metals find application in strategic sectors, because of high melting point and strength. Some limitations of such alloys are their formability and oxygen adsorption. By alloying such metals we aim to make it more formable and resistance to oxygen adsorption while maintain their high melting point and strength.

Materials Design through High Throughput Studies and Machine Learning [Soft Materials and Biomolecules]
Efficient materials design therefore requires two elements: a rapid method for solving the forward problem of material property characterization or prediction and a design strategy minimizing the number of candidate materials assessed en route to the ultimate target material. In the context of biomolecules, progress has been made in addressing these needs via the combination of machine learning tools such as artificial neural networks and formal optimization algorithms such as genetic algorithms.

We aim to develop new strategy for combining machine learning with highthoughput methods such as molecular dynamics to enable the efficient design of wide range of materials in the absence of pre-existing databases and without an explicit reliance on interpolative strategies that perform poorly in the discovery of extremal materials. Further, this high throughput methods will lead to development of homogeneous data base of different class of materials.
Studying external-energy mediated chemical reactions on metal nanostructures
Adiabatic molecular dynamics (AMD) assumes that nuclear motion can be accurately described using a single potential energy surface (PES). However, external-energy mediated processes involve the time evolution of electronic amplitudes through a manifold of PESs. To accurately model these processes, invoking nonadiabatic molecular dynamics (NAMD), is mandatory. Since NAMD methods are not readily available, we intend to implement the Fewest-Switches Surface Hopping (FSSH) method in the CP2K and DFTB+ software packages and use it to study the external-energy mediated reactions on metal nanostructures.

Exploring the Formation and Evolution of Solid Electrolyte Interphase at Calcium Surfaces
We are excited to study both the formation and evolution of solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) at calcium surfaces in the presence of different electrolytes. Furthermore, to capture the changes in Ca ion conductivity with the evolving SEI, we would extract several configurations of the SEI from our MD simulations, and we would calculate the Ca ion migration energy barriers for each of those configurations. Together, our work would provide a new avenue for studying the ion-migration in dynamically varying structures, and it specifically helps us to identify the components of the passivation layer that enable reversible plating and stripping of Ca.

Various salts and solvents that would be examined in this project. Salts: (a) calcium hexafluorophosphate (Ca[PF6]2), (b) calcium tetrafluoroborate (Ca[BF4]2), (c) calcium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide (Ca[TFSI]2), and (d) calcium borohydride (Ca[BH4]2). Solvents: (e) ethylene carbonate (EC) and (f) propylene carbonate (PC). (g)-(i) Evolution of the SEI during an NVT simulation at 300 K with the EC:PC mixture (without any salt) on a Ca surface. Geometries of the system at (g) 0th, (h) 10th, and (i) 20th picosecond are shown. PC solvent is highlighted in green color. Decomposition of both EC and PC molecules can be noticed.