Ranjit Nanda
Principal InvestigatorDepartment of Physics
Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, Topological Materials, Advanced Magnetic Materials, Catalysis and Surface Science, Energy Materials
Shantanu Mukherjee
Co-Principal InvestigatorDepartment of Physics
Unconventional superconductivity, Magnetism, Metal insulator transition, Strongly correlated electronic systems, Topological insulators and superconductors.
Tarak Patra
Co-Principal InvestigatorChemical Engineering
High Throughput Materials Design, Soft and Nano Materials, Molecular Simulations and Machine Learning, High Performance Computing and AI
Yamijala S. R. K. C. Sharma
Co-Principal InvestigatorChemistry Engineering
Application of nonadiabatic molecular dynamics (NAMD) methods in organic photovoltaic materials and plasma-assisted catalysis, Next-generation energy storage materials such as Ca-ion batteries, Li-S batteries, etc., Understanding the degradation of water pollutants such as Perfluoroalkyl substances.,
Satyesh Kumar Yadav
Co-Principal InvestigatorMetallurgical and Materials Engineering
Physics and chemistry of materials from first-principles electronic structure modeling, First-principles thermodynamics Rational design of materials, Atomic structure modeling of materials using quantum mechanics derived potentials, Mapping electronic and atomic structure to properties of materials, Understanding structure, property, and
Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Chemistry
Interfacial Chemistry with applications to energy storage and renewable energy production, Energy storage materials, and Catalysis
Rohit Batra
Assistant ProfessorMetallurgical and Materials Engineering
Research interest lies in the area of combining computational and data-driven methods to design new materials. He has expertise in first-principles electronic structure methods, molecular dynamics simulations, and many machine learning based techniques, particularly geared towards the general field of chemical and materials science.